lime plaster over papercrete
Among those who really like our papercrete wall is our cat, Sushi, who has been using it as a scratching post. Cats. You gotta love 'em. I've been trying to figure out a way to "finish" the wall--to give it a bit more of a hard shell--and thought lime stucco might be the answer. Like papercrete, lime is pourous and thus "breathes," absorbing and releasing moisture, etc. from the atmosphere. Modern paints, as far as I know, wouldn’t do that. Nor would Portland cement-based "stucco." I could not find anyone online who has actually put lime plaster over papercrete. So this was a true experiment. When I first started researching lime it seemed a bit intimidating. Lime is a "traditional" building material, and some people take that aspect of it very seriously. They seem determined to preserve the "old ways" when it comes to working with lime. Slaking quicklime, etc. All very complex and time consuming and more dangerous than working ...