Rustic Post With Hanging Sign 1

The sign, shown in an earlier post, was made over a piece of Styrofoam insulation wrapped in chicken wire. (The totem pole in background next to pump house is made of papercrete over a 4x4 post wrapped in hardware cloth.) My mortar for the sign was made with vermiculite rather than sand to keep the weight down (3 - 1 vermiculite to cement with a touch of builder's lime). The sign post was cut from a discarded chain link fence gate, cemented into the ground, wrapped with hardware cloth, then wrapped again with burlap-crete strips. Unfortunately, there is no photo of the wrapped armature. Pipes from discarded gates make for flimsy armatures, and I probably won't use such again. However, it is holding up at this point.  Another lesson learned involves using the coarse sand sold as all-purpose sand by Lowes. The coarse grain is obvious and bothers me a bit. I've got to find a source for small (fifty pound) quantities of finer sand. In keeping with my usual pattern, I've moved on to another project prior to finishing this one. I will post photos of the finished project.


  1. WOW! I love your creativity and experimentation. Thanks so much for sharing. I could spend hours on your blog (and probably will...LOL). I've wanted to make a large wind chime panel for ages, and now you've given me some ideas. I want to finish it by dipping a lace curtain in a Quikwall slurry.


  2. Thanks, Eva. This blog is all about inspiration and experimentation, so thanks for reading and let me know how things turn out.


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